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Became a member

To be eligible for membership, applicants must be:

Person who is engaged on full time basis in some aspect of fish, seafood and associated products inspection, quality management or control of fish and seafood processing technology; or have a continuing interest in one of the above areas.

Membership Benefits

  • Network of Professionals linked to quality and safety, sustainability and social justice in relation to international trade in aquatic products (commerce, certification, research, testing, development, standards)

  • Observer status up to date news on standards development and initiatives under Codex Alimentarius Commission

  • Representation and participation in Codex Alimentarius,

  • Participation and contributions to international fora, including UN Oceans Conference, UNIDO and FAO events,

  • Quarterly publication “The Fish Inspector” – news and current affairs in the field of trade, quality and safety of aquatic products (jointly published by IAFI, FAO and Infofish in English, French, Spanish & Portuguese)

  • Participation in biennial World Seafood Congress

Membership Class

In support of our aims for inclusivity and equity for developing countries, we aim to keep our  annual membership fees as low as possible and offer discounts to members from developing countries

Regular - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - 1 Year - .- -. - - - $ 50.00

Regular (Less Developed Country) -- - 1 Year - .- -. - - - $ 25.00

Associate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - 1 Year - .- -. - - - $ 50.00

Student - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 1 Year - .- -. - - - $ 25.00

Lifetime - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Lifetime.- -. - -  $ 500.00


Note: Values in USD Dollars

New Membership Form

Thanks for submitting!

Payment instructions

We only accept Bank Transfer and PayPal at the this moment.

If you wish to make a money transfer please press here

Paypal logo.jpg

1 - Sellect the Pay Pal Button

2 - Log in to your Pay Pal account 

3 - The IAFI Pay Pal will come up

4 - Under "You Send" choose USD

5 - Write the  amount regarding your Subscription Class

6 - Write your Name and Email to confirm your ID

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